i just hit by head hit by head hit by head. the more you speak,the more inauthentic.no one wanted to listen what i think is really important,so i got myself drunk and sit here making mad conversations,draging down more to hell.all i aspect is lying down, die.
看完第二季直接接第三季第一反应竟是第二季烂尾停顿一会儿才发现是自己智商降低了....T T House 和Wilson同居什么的好欢乐~~~疯狂地讨厌Stacy这个女人...她一出现大叔瞬间miserable了...T T毒舌什么的都弱了...讨厌~叔到底什么时候开始和Cuddy滚床单啊...我要看House Wilson Cuddy欢脱的生活~~